Friday, December 28, 2012

Lets get on track!!!

Paleo Challenge is just around the corner!!!! I want to remind everyone that we will start at midnight on Jan. 1. Get all your drinks in prior to then! There is now a folder with weekly food logs by your folders. Please take one week at a time and make sure to turn it in every week so we can grade them. Also if you are not going to participate please do not take a log sheet, but we want everyone to give it a try. We will do the WOD "Baseline" next week.

I know this is going to be a big challenge for some of you. This is all new and to try and completely change the way you eat for thirty straight days will be hard. I have been there and it will be easier for me, I am not going to lie. So to become challenging for myself and to share with you a similar experience you may be going through, I am going to stop drinking coffee. Some may not know but I really really really enjoy my coffee with some vanilla creamer. So we will be there with you every step of the way. At the end we all can say together, we did it and feel great. Good luck to everyone and share your stories, comment on this blog and have fun. This is about achieving the goal of life long fitness.

1 comment:

  1. I'm hopefully ready! I'll be in Florida the first week, but will log my food on my phone. Good luck to everyone!
