Saturday, February 9, 2013

Trail Mix

Although our challenge is officially over, congrats the winners... that's not a reason to go back to your old unhealthy eating habits.

It was always our goal for our athletes to make this a lifetime commitment. We were banking on the fact that everyone would feel so great after being so strict for so long, from what I am hearing it has done exactly that. It was amazing seeing everyone's baseline workouts improve so drastically, myself included. It's crazy to see how black and white the evidence is that you really are what you eat. 

Here's a quick little snack to whip up that's great for the work week...

Trail Mix

Dried Apple Rings

Cut your dates into small pieces, if they have a pit (first remove that).

Next, cut your dried apple rings in half (to make it easier for your blender). I bought our apple rings from Trader Joes, be sure to check ingredients for unnecessary additives. After your dates and rings are cut now toss those along with your nuts into your blender. I like to do this in layers so that everything is mixed nicely. Toss your cinnamon on top of each layer for that extra sweetness. 

Pulse for a few seconds and voila you have a tasty treat that's either great alone, maybe with some almond milk as a sweet treat, or on top of some paleo ice cream (recipe to come).

Toss it in a tupperware and store in the fridge... enjoy!

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