Wednesday, March 6, 2013

An article that looks at why Americans are so unhealthy

Kyle's sister, Kristin who we used to think was a little extreme when it came to her health... is now looking like someone who really was one step ahead of the game. She was actually the reason Kyle and I watched Food Inc for the first time. So really Kristin has changed our lives for the better in so many ways...

She recently emailed me this article and I'm so glad that she did, because this is definitely one to share. If you're questioning why proper nutrition is so crucial... then it only takes an article like this one to reiterate it's importance. The food we eat doesn't just affect our performance in the gym, but it directly affects our entire existence. It's scary to read about how genetically engineered food is becoming more and more popular. How pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones have somehow become the norm when it comes to our food is baffling. It's insanity to think that those toxins are ok to be putting into our bodies as fuel.

 So before you grab for that tempting treat filled with words you can't even pronounce think of this article... (I highly recommend taking the time to read this- after all knowledge is power)

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