Sunday, January 27, 2013

Home Stretch

This time next weekend many will still be recovering from the food coma that they inflicted upon themselves... 

We are nearing the home stretch of our paleo challenge, and I just want to reiterate the importance of finishing strong. Yesterday was a tough one at the Matousek household. We wandered the aisles of Jewel in search for a paleo dinner, and all the while blurting out and eyeballing the temptations surrounding us. We so badly wanted to take the easy road... which would mean throwing in the towel and accepting our deduction of points. But we didn't, and fought through our cravings. 

So as we are rounding third base here let's all put our game faces on, and keep remembering how great we are all feeling. This challenge has taken dedication, willpower and careful planning on all of our parts, so let's not ruin it now. 

We are STRONG, both mentally and physically. And we portray that strength both in and out of the gym. Let's all continue to be that great example to our friends, family, and coworkers alike. 

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